Sunday, January 31, 2010

All the cousins together.
We had Mitch's brother, Eliot, and his family out for a visit yesterday.  Hailey and Dylan had a great time playing with their cousins Emma & Aiden.  We all had a wonderful time just hanging out.
Hailey and Aiden - could they get any cuter?!

Sweet Emma & Dylan.

Dylan says "I love you Auntie Kim."


  1. Beautiful family pictures! Looks like you had a great day. I can't believe Dylan is in 9 month clothes!!!! That feels so far off for us. I also saw your comment about therapy. Riley gets PT twice a week, for an hour on Mon and 30 min on Thurs. She go to the chiro twice a week and craniosacral every other week. Of course, she gets OT daily! Glad Dylan is starting therapy soon, but you are definitely doing all the right things with him. He is doing so well.

  2. I love all the photos. Cousin time! Dude, they are all soooo adorable. I can't get over how big they are all getting! Can't wait till I have some munchkins to join the clan. Love you all xo

  3. Great photos. Dylan looks so happy!!

  4. Nice photos and happy family! May it last forever!


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