Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Days

Dylan is slowly getting back to his normal, happy self.  He is still a bit on the floppy side but everyday he is tolerating sitting for longer periods of time and he is rolling up a storm.  He is also very happy to be back "swimming" in the tub.

We decided to get away today and head to the beach.  We had a great time.  Dylan was squealing with excitement when we got down towards the water, it was sooooooo cute.  He loved feeling the sand with his hands and feet and actually tried to bear weight on his legs when I put his feet on the wet sand.  This is the first time he has done this since before the fracture.  I was very excited to say the least.

Baby toes in the sand, what could be cuter?

The cutest kiddos in the world!

I had to add this video because tonight when I was feeding Dylan dinner he decided to blow kisses to me, I was almost crying, it was just too cute.


  1. Love, love, LOVE the pics on the beach and the video-- I cannot wait to take Kaylee to the beach for the first time. Of course, it will be more fun once she is sitting up on her own-- maybe next summer! So happy to see Dylan out of his cast and smiling! xo

  2. OMG SOOOO CUTE...the whole damn family! thanks for sharing

  3. I love the video! Dylan is so darn sweet!!!! Looks like he enjoyed the beach.

  4. I love the photos and the kisses!! Too darn cute :)


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