Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Therapy with Dana

If I have said it before I will say it again - Dylan has the best therapist.  Dana has been with us since Dylan was just about two months old.  She is amazing!  She brings over the greatest toys and therapy aids and the best part she leaves them with us to use between sessions.  She is always coming up with new and creative ways to get him to work his muscles and she has taught me so much.  Thank you so much Dana.  We are going to miss you terribly when we move in a few weeks. 

Here are some pictures and videos from today:

Dylan is getting stronger and stronger every day.  Today he stood in the hamper and "rode" around for over 25 minutes without help.  I was shocked, I can't believe the change.  Just yesterday I still had to give him hip support when standing.

This is not the best scooting video because it was at the end of the session and he was tired, but he still made his way around the entire kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Dylan is amazing!!! I love seeing how great he is doing. Having an amazing therapist makes all the difference in the world. Keep up the good work.


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