Monday, March 12, 2012

Dylan the walking wonder! - with a little help from mommy.

The past two weeks have been really stressful for me.  I have been feeling very overwhelmed with everything.  One of the main things that has me stressing is that I have been so angry with myself over Dylan's IEP.  I thought that everything had gone great and that he was approved for PT, OT and Speech therapy because I sat there listening to all of the goals that each therapist proposed for him for school and agreed to those goals.  I stupidly thought that that meant that he was going to receive those services at school.  Well I guess I was wrong.  I did not sign the IEP that day, instead told them that I was going to take it home and go over everything with Mitch and then sign it when we were ready to start him in preschool.  So two weeks ago I thought that I really needed to get on it and pulled out the papers and on the last page it stated that Dylan DOES NOT qualify for PT or speech therapy!  WHAT?!  How can this be?!!!  I called up the coordinator and asked if there had been a mistake, did they accidentally check off the wrong box?  She told me no, he was only approved for OT.  Can you picture my response?  Just use your imagination.  She then handed the phone over to the PT who had done his assessment and who proceeded to tell me that because he was going to a school that had the M.O.V.E. program and that it is a language based class that he would not need one on one therapy time.  Then she continued to tell me that because Dylan was assessed at a 6-9 month level, which I completely disagree with, that he wouldn't need help with walking because a 6 month old wouldn't be walking yet.  She also told me that "they weren't miracle workers."  WOW! I wish I had been recording that.  

Anyways, this is what I have to say - it's not over by a long shot, I am going to get my son the therapy he needs and deserves! And I guess I must be a miracle worker because check this out -

That's right - in your face school district PT!


  1. I LOVE seeing the milestones for each of the little munchkins. Congratulations on Dylan's progress as it gives me hope for our little man who will be born in April.

  2. Kristy, you rock! I know that you will fight to get Dylan the therapy he needs; I am shocked that he didn't qualify to begin with regardless of WHAT kind of program the school has. He is doing so well, too in my eyes, you are a miracle worker! Xo

  3. Dylan's walking is looking great, and YOU look like a professional PT! I remember when you posted about how pleased you were with his IEP, so this is really frustrating. Do you think they were intentionally trying to deceive you? Regardless, thank God you didn't sign on the spot.

  4. That sucks that he doesnt qualitfy for PT and speech.. Good on you for fighting it..!!! I LOVE these videos... He will be up and about in no time... Go Dylan.. Big hugs from Ellie xx

  5. I am so very sorry you are having to fight for services that Dylan rightfully needs and deserves! The videos are amazing, Dylan is amazing!! Go Dylan Go!

  6. Wow! that gives me such hope! thanks for posting! praying you get the services he needs and deserves! something is so wrong with our system.

  7. Hey! I've been reading a ton of different posts. Catching up. But.. this one... I love and hate. I can't BELIEVE how amazing he is. Ok, I can - but wow! Look at all that walking! I also can't and can believe how much trouble you are having with his IEP. How is it going now? Remember - nothing is permanent... not until you sign, and even after that - it can still be changed. Fight. Fight. Fight. I also love all the pictures. Awesome!


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