Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Dylan!

I have been thinking about this post for a while and now that I sit down at the computer the words don't seem to flow.  I can't quite seem to put into words all the thoughts and feelings I have.  I can't believe how much you have grown and changed.  You have accomplished more in these three years than the doctors ever thought you would.  My sweet little Dylan, you are AMAZING and we all love you so much!  Happy 3rd Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday, Dylan! You look so big in your pictures~ I just love how you are turning into a little man right before my eyes! (Well...with the help of photography, that is) xo

  2. Happy Happy Happy 3rd Birthday Dylan!

    I love the pictures with the 3! Too cute.

  3. Happy birthday Dylan!!! Love the pictures!

  4. I love it!!!! Amazing post. Perfect Pictures!

  5. I Love this beautiful boy almost as much as I love my own. Happy Birthday, Dylan!

  6. Oh My ... Look how big and handsome he is.. Happy 3rd birthday Dylan.

    P.s He sits amazingly well in the chair



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