Monday, March 14, 2011

Pediatrician Appointment

Today I took the boys for their check-ups.  Dylan had his two year and Luke his four month.  They both did great and are growing, growing, growing.  Here is how they measured up:

Dylan: 17lbs 6oz, 30.5" long - this puts him at a little over 50% for weight and 75% for height on the WHS growth chart - our little string bean.

Luke: 16lbs 4oz, 23.5" long - he is at the 50% for weight and only 10% for height.  He is our little chunky monkey and looks like the Michelin Man - I just love his rolls.

I love our Pediatrician.  She is so caring and compassionate.  She always makes me happy when I leave the appointment, always pointing out how proud she is of Dylan.  She was very pleased with Dylan's growth and development (and Luke's as well).  She was also excited to see the interaction between Dylan and Luke.  Dylan loves Lukey and makes it known by vocalizing (sometimes very loudly) and smiling whenever he is near Luke.  I too am excited to see the changes in Dylan from having a little brother for motivation.

Dylan is looking like such a big boy now, I love it.

Check out those arm rolls!


  1. Love love love these photos... You can see that the boys really get on.... Glad to hear that they are both doing so well xx

  2. Kristy, I can hear the love, the excitement, and the pure joy in your voice when you talk of your two little boys. You and I have spoken about the way(s) in which adding another baby has changed your life, and each day I am more and more eager to try adding a 4th to our own already crazy family. I see these awesome pictures, and I can imagine the bond that would develop not only between Kaylee and a younger sibling, but how much it would mean for Ryan, as well. I always love reading about Dylan and Luke; they are both thriving, beautiful little boys!! Much love to you all! xo

  3. They are both so cute! Love Lukes rolls, hehe!

  4. Great updates! I love Luke's expression in the last picture, priceless.

  5. Adorable pictures!! Sibling love is amazing to watch! Great job on the weight gain for both boys!

  6. Your boys are looking great, Kristy! And it looks that they are having an awesome time at the doctor’s office, especially Luke. Those arm rolls are totally adorable. And Dylan is intently watching his little brother. I’m sure he will be an awesome big brother. I commend you for raising such fine boys. I’m sure their doctor is very happy with their stats. Good job!


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