Sunday, February 13, 2011

Photo session

You know when you have it all planned in your head and it seems like it is a really great idea and then you get there and NOPE.  When you are trying to photograph kids I guess it never really goes exactly as planned.  I have been thinking for a while now about taking Dylan's two year pictures.  I have had it all planned perfectly in my head.  I wanted him to be sitting in the rocking chair that I had as a child, holding a great big 2 and smiling.  The lighting would be perfect, the setting just right.  So, because today was such a beautiful day I said "lets go to the park and take pictures."  I piled all the props into the truck and head to the park.  To start off, Dylan didn't want to sit in the rocking chair, he just wanted to slide out of it.  The big 2 that I spent 20 minutes on cutting out of a foam board was a big distraction for him, all he wanted to do was eat it and wave it all around.  There was a little bit of a breeze which made his eyes water.  Hailey didn't want her picture taken and just wanted to play but after a little convincing I managed to get a few shots.  Luke was fussy and wouldn't smile for me.  So here are the results of my amateur photo session and I think they are a bit cute :


  1. I think they are perfect 2 year pictures!!! I'm not even going to attempt with Riley because I know she will be all over the place and not cooperating. But I still think you got some great shots in!

  2. These are awesome shots! I love that you were trying to have the boys in matching shirts. I am so bad with pictures...I haven't even taken Kaylee for her 1 year shots yet.

  3. These photos made me smile! I love your big number 2. That picture is perfect! I love Dylan's cute little shoes. I know I keep saying this, but it's so true, you have a beautiful family!

  4. Oh, I've so been there, done that!!!
    And I only have two kids to coordinate, not three!
    The pictures are so cute though! I like the outfits too :)

  5. These photos are perfect!!! x

  6. three of them are so wonderful kids...!!! you are so lucky kristy. take care!

  7. Love the pics.... maybe that can be your next job photographer.... as if you didn't have a lot going on already. Way to go Kristy!


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