Monday, June 4, 2012

Cowboys and a Cowgirl

This awesome old barn is around the corner from our house.  I have always thought that it would make a cool photo shoot area and last week during my run I came across a bridal party taking some pics next to the old fence and I said "I gotta get my littles up there and play around with my camera."  So, yesterday evening off we went down the street with the kids and tow and me with my fingers crossed that I might get one cute shot.  Oh, and we were probably trespassing but we didn't get caught. :)

Here are a few of my faves.  Please bare with me, I am still a photo amature, but I sure do love taking pictures.


  1. Two words... BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN... xx

  2. Beautiful!! Your children are adorable and you take gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing!


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