Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Attempt # 2

Lucky for us the Pumpkin Patch is down the road from the horse ranch, so yesterday after exercising Kelsey and Whiskey, the kids and I moseyed on over to attempt to get a few cute pictures with the pumpkins. 

Hailey, my little cowgirl - you're the only one who can rock striped leggings with cowboy boots.

Luke trying on part of his costume - costume pics to come, I'm not quite done with them yet. :)

Urology Update:
On Monday I took Dylan back to the Urologist for his follow up kidney ultrasound after the Deflux Injection.  Every thing looked good, kidneys appeared normal, so the plan is to discontinue the daily antibiotics and recheck in six months with another kidney ultrasound.  We are just on the look out now for any signs of a UTI.  Dylan has been on antibiotics since birth to prevent this.  I am praying that the injection will continue to work and he can be medication free. 

Progress Update:
We are still anxiously waiting for Dylan's gait trainer to come in (hopefully not much longer) but we still have the loaner on hand for practice.  He is getting quite skilled in moving around the house and the back yard and he seems to really enjoy being able to "walk" and bump into us.  He also got sized for his SureStep orthotics last week and we should be receiving those in another week or two.   

I have been working on teaching Dylan how to pivot when sitting.  He is doing pretty darn good, all I have to do is slightly move his legs and he will pivot.  He seems to do this best when outside on the grass, I don't know why but he always seems to try harder when he is outside.  He also has started clapping!  I am so happy with this accomplishment, and so is Dylan!  Then on Wednesday while working with his OT he signed "all done" at the end of the session!   Go Dylan Go!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Dylan!! What an exciting update. We will cross our fingers for no UTIs. Love that he signed "all done"! He is doing such amazing things! Keep up the hard work Dylan.

    Hailey, I love your style! Your mom is right, you can rock the boots and tights!!

    Adorable pictures!


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