Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Playin' with sissy

I think it is so cute that my kiddos love to play with each other.  Hailey loves her little brother so much and she wants to play with him all day.  She is a great little motivator for him too.  She is his biggest cheerleader when he is working on a new skill.  Recently she had a little homework assignment that asked "what makes you special?"  Her immediate response was, "I'm special because of Dylan, and because I am his sister."  She then drew the most precious picture of the two of them together holding hands.  I almost started crying, she definitely tugged at my heart strings.  She is so loving and caring, Dylan is so lucky to have her as his sister. 

Earlier today Hailey wanted to play with Dylan in her room.  So I brought him in and went back a few minutes later to check on them and I found him covered in about 5 blankets and holding a dolly and other little "beds" for her other dolls all around her room and her on the bed.  They were playing school and she was the teacher telling them all it was nap time.  Dylan of course was just smiling, talkin' and kicking in delight.

I had to add this pic because this is his new favorite play to chill when I am doing my hair and makeup - the bathroom sink.  Usually he will sit up in it but today he wanted to relax and nothing is more fun then tearing up a magazine.

I finally got a call from the Regional Center today and talked to Dylan's new service coordinator.  Thankfully they are going to start up his home therapy next week!  I am very excited to meet the new therapist and can't wait to get him back to work.


  1. Both of them are so lovable! I adore Hailey so much!

  2. I adore this sibling realtionship! it is so sweet with the blankets and dolls! precious.

  3. The close up picture of Hailey and Dylan is precious!! What a great big sister!

  4. I love the pictures! What a lovely relationship Hailey and Dylan have.


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