Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas with all of our family and friends. The kids had such a great time. Dylan was held and cuddled by everyone. He is doing so much better. Everyday his eating is improving. He wants to suck on the bottle but we need to wait a few more days, I think he is getting a little frustrated. Hailey scored this Christmas - she got a buddy seat so she can ride with me on the horse, new pink cowboy boots, and a purple helmet (all thanks to Grandma). She was very excited!

Dylan with Mommy and Auntie Kim

Dylan with Auntie Kerri and Uncle Chad.

Dylan is sitting so much better, this video isn't the greatest but he can sit with the boppy behind him for a good 30-40 seconds! I am so proud.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great Christmas. Dylan looks awesome in the video. He is doing so well. And all of this is because of the hard work you and Dylan have been doing, no therapists can get credit for this.


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